Support & Operational Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships are a great way of being up-skilled whilst in employment. Dozens of staff across Plymouth CAST have completed apprenticeship training, or are in the process of doing an apprenticeship at present.


There are many opportunities across a range of specialisms, enabling Trust staff to access exceptional CPD, whilst improving skills, knowledge and experience.

Classroom Support Assistant

If you're a Classroom Support Assistant, there are several Apprenticeship options, including:

Higher Level Teaching Assistant

If you're a Higher Level Teaching Assistant, there are several other apprenticeships that you might want to consider:

Operational Support Apprenticeships
If you work in school administration, finance, HR or central support, the following apprenticeships may be relevant:
Apprenticeship Resources
 More information

Once you know the name and level of the apprenticeship you want to study, use the link Find an apprenticeship training provider to find a training provider that can offer training at your school location and identify the different methods of delivery.


For more information on Support and Operational Apprenticeships, please contact Leah Paiano, Trust Development Officer, 

Teaching Apprenticeships
Click here for further information on Teaching Apprenticeships available

Click here for further information on Apprenticeships
Plymouth Cast
Catholic Education Service